Focus Bear for Desktop

We're working on the Android App. In the meantime you can signup for the waitlist and we'll email you as soon as it's ready for download.
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Also available for other platforms:

The iOS app is still in beta (but it works pretty well). It's a two-step process to download the app:


First, download Apple Test Flight
and then come back here
to get the redeem code


Download and install
the Focus Bear App

Let's do it

Click here to download
Apple Test Flight

Remember to come back here afterwards for the redeem code

Done installing Test Flight

Sweet! Now you can download Focus Bear with this link


Stay focused as
A Freelancer

Meet Your Deadlines

...without sacrificing your social life or health

How much are distractions
costing you?

How many hours do you lose to distractions per week?

2 Hours

How much do you charge per hour?

Distractions are currently costing you $100 per week.
We think we can help.
Desktop tab illustration.
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Block distractions
and get work done.

Get into deep work with distraction blocking across all your devices. You can remove blocks if you have an emergency.

Morning routines
to boost productivity

Research indicates that doing activities like meditation and exercise in the morning boosts focus throughout the day. Focus Bear doesn't just track your habits, it guides you through your habits in real-time and blocks distractions (no more mornings where Insta derails your exercise regime).

Desktop tab illustration.morning routine screenshot
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Desktop tab illustration.break screenshot
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Take productivity-
boosting breaks.

Take breaks every 20 minutes - your brain and body will thank you. Auto-detects meetings so you don't get asked to do breaks when you're on a call.

Know you’re
reaching your goals.

See at a glance how much you've done in a day.

Desktop tab illustration.
Video Play Button Icon


7-day trial, $4.99/mo afterwards,
30 day money back guarantee
No Credit Card Required Upfront

Student/hardship discounts available
Cross device distraction blocking
Personalized habit routines
Productivity-boosting breaks
Customizable focus modes
Automatic goal tracking

Founder’s Note

Jeremy Nagel, Chief Bear Obeyer (CBO) at Focus Bear.

G'day mate!

Despite my best intentions, every day my amazing morning routine would devolve into sleepily checking emails - and then wondering what happened to my time.

I wanted a tool that would actually force me to get my yoga done instead of scrolling. And I tried everything; parental control apps, hiding my laptop in a cupboard, asking my wife to slap me if she found me on email in the morning.

None of them worked consistently and my cheeks were getting sore.

In desperation, I started working with a MacOS dev on a new app that would blend the best features from other apps out there. One that would guide me towards better habits while reducing procrastination.

And now I have the solution - Focus Bear.

Since using the app, I’ve consistently done my morning routine and reached Super Saiyan status as a Yogi (or at least that’s my excuse for dying my hair blond).

Try out Focus Bear for free and have your beary best day!

Jeremy Nagel

Chief Bear Obeyer (CBO), Focus Bear


What if I need to get on my computer quickly?
What about meetings?
Can I customize my start and end times?
Can I customize my routines?
What platforms does Focus Bear run on?
Can I use Focus Bear on multiple devices?
How do I get support?
Does the app log my keystrokes and take screenshots?
Is Focus Bear really annoying?
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