The app is still in beta right now (it works well but has a few rough edges). You can help us make it better by trying it out and giving us your feedback. Please watch this video to understand how it works.
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Beta Tester Form
We’re excited to give you access to the app. Focus Bear is still in beta right now. We’re onboarding new users via a Zoom session to make sure the app works well for you.
Fill out this form to book your session. The session takes ~20 minutes, costs nothing and has no obligations afterwards.
During the session we’ll help you:
Install the app on your phone and computer
Set up a morning and evening routine with habits that are meaningful to you
Show you how to run focus sessions so you can blast through your work/study without distractions
Thank you for submitting your request to join as a Beta Tester.
Wait for the booking form to load. If the form does not load, click the link below.
Join our Discord text chat server using this invite link:
Upon joining, you will receive a message with the Focus Bear app install links. If you don't get a message, please ask for the install link in the #new-users channel.
Upon joining, you will receive a message on how to install Focus Bear.
Please check your email for a message from with the subject line: "Focus Bear beta tester feedback"
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