We’re excited for you to try Focus Bear!

The app is still in beta right now (it works well but has a few rough edges). You can help us make it better by trying it out and giving us your feedback. Please watch this video to understand how it works.

Ok, I'm happy to be a beta tester and promise to give feedback. 😀
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Beta Tester Form

Is there any support or accommodation that you need? Anything else you want to ask about the app?

Thank you for submitting your request to join as a Beta Tester.

Wait for the booking form to load.
If the form does not load, click the link below.


Discord Logo

Join our Discord text chat server using this invite link:


Upon joining, you will receive a message with the Focus Bear app install links.

If you don't get a message, please ask for the install link in the #new-users channel.

Whatsapp Logo

Send us a message on Whatsapp using this link:


Upon joining, you will receive a message on how to install Focus Bear.

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