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Avoiding the Optimization Trap: ADHD Strategies That Work

Oct 14, 2024

The "optimisation trap" is something many adults with ADHD struggle with. We find ourselves endlessly refining and perfecting tasks, even when those tasks don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I get it. This trap keeps us feeling busy and even productive. But ultimately, it often leads to burnout, missed deadlines, and that nagging feeling that we’re spinning our wheels. So, what exactly is this trap all about, and how can we escape it?

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Table of Contents

Understanding the ADHD Optimisation Trap

The optimization trap is a common way ADHD presents for many people. This endless pursuit of the “perfect solution” can easily become our default. It's our ADHD brains clinging to a false sense of control, often driven by anxiety and a fear of criticism.

Let's face it, a lot of us received negative feedback growing up, making us extra sensitive to the possibility of getting things “wrong.” This can make it hard to feel real without getting things perfect.

Common Ways the Optimisation Trap ADHD Presents:

This trap can wear many different masks. To figure out if you’re stuck in the optimization trap ADHD tends to create, let's look at some common ways this manifests:

  • Spending hours researching the “best” productivity system or tool when a simple notepad would suffice. (Yep, I’ve been there.)
  • Obsessively editing an email for an unreasonable amount of time just to get the wording *exactly* right.
  • Creating complex color-coded spreadsheets and to-do lists…only to avoid the actual tasks at hand.

Does any of this sound familiar? Don't despair, it's more common than you think. You can save time and work time by avoiding these common traps.

Breaking Free from the Optimisation Trap ADHD

Escaping the optimization trap ADHD creates is possible with self-awareness and actionable strategies. Below, I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to reclaim time, sanity, and, yes – even joy.

Shifting Your Mindset:

  • Embrace “Good Enough": Repeat after me: "Done is better than perfect." Efficiency is key here. Getting things done will boost productivity and help you stay focused.
  • Challenge Your Inner Critic: Those negative voices whispering “not good enough” aren't you. Acknowledge those thoughts, and then choose to act anyway.
  • Focus on Progress over Perfection: You don’t have to be perfect – seriously. What matters is that you’re moving in the right direction, however imperfectly that may be.

Practical Strategies:

  • Timeboxing: Set clear time limits for tasks and stick to them, no matter how enticing it is to keep going.
  • Prioritization: Figure out the *truly* important tasks and ruthlessly eliminate unnecessary extras. Learn to say "no" more often so you can show up fully to the stuff that matters.
  • Break It Down: Large projects can be overwhelming. Instead, divide big goals into smaller, more manageable chunks. You’ve got this.


Living with the optimisation trap ADHD feeds is all too common. But by recognizing the patterns and challenging limiting beliefs, it is possible to reclaim your time and mental energy. You'll not only reduce stress and improve productivity, but you might actually find yourself enjoying the journey a whole lot more.

Remember, you are not alone in this. We're all learning and figuring things out as we go. So, embrace the journey, flaws and all, and celebrate each small win along the way.

Oct 14, 2024
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